
made by HRS 1
School Objectives

Puerto Rico Christian School has set forth the following objectives to teach children and young people the correct and proper relationship of God in their lives. These objectives were formulated with Christ as the center of all learning. Our teaching objectives are designed to promote academic, social, physical and spiritual growth of all students. Our objectives can best be obtained through a sincere effort of cooperation between the school and home so that each child can receive the maximum learning possible in each classroom situation.

1. To teach that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that we can utilize it as an effective, practical and important teaching tool.

2. To teach that we must come to know Jesus Christ personally as our Savior. To come to the knowledge that Christ died for our sins, thus, we do      not have to live under the dominion of sin any longer, once we surrender to the commandments of Christ and obey Him in all things.

3. To teach academic subjects in relation to God and His creation. The academic subjects will be taught in accordance with the Bible.

4. To teach Christian principles for use in our daily lives. To instill a desire to have a constant fellowship with God.

5. To teach Christian character and morality.

6. To teach academic excellence. To teach good study habits, self-discipline and the ability to utilize individual talents.

7. To teach discipline. Each student will be taught to respect their parents and all other authorities.

8. To teach each student that he/she must become a responsible citizen and Christian.

9. To teach each student the necessity of working with others and how to work independently.

10. To teach each student how to develop good communication skills (reading, writing, and speaking, etc.) in both English and Spanish.

11. To teach each student how to develop their own critical and creative thinking.

12. To teach the development of each student into the eventual workforce and society and their responsibilities concerning both.

13. To teach GOOD manners.

14. To teach leadership.

15. To teach and develop an excellent program of recreation-physical and mental.

16. To teach an appreciation of both Puerto Rican United States, and other cultures.

17. To teach and develop each student’s unlimited learning potential.

18. To teach good citizenship as it was ordained by God.

19. To teach each student how to maintain a well-balanced body, mind and spirit.


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